An Update into 2024

Published on Sat Aug 17 2024

Previously in 2023, I wrote an article about my goals for the year. I wanted to reflect on what I’ve accomplished and what I haven’t. On top of that, I would like to write out my goals for 2024 and 2025. It’s been a pretty crazy year and that explains the hiatus and lack of content. But that is no excuse for me to work on my dreams and aspirations. I want to accomplish much more and so fast but obvious this will lead to burn out. To be completely honest, I’m still feeling burnt out. So I will take it slow and work on my goals at a pace that is comfortable for me. Like I said in my previous article, writing out my goals will definitely guide me through what I need to accomplish and at the end of this post, I will also reflect on my lifetime goals to see if these are things that I want.

Let’t take a look at these 2023 goals, shall we?

Reflecting on 2023 Goals

-   Find a new job
    -   Preferably more front-end work
    -   More design possibilities
    -   Work in a team setting
    -   Preferably a slightly higher salary than current job

I did find a new job. I’m currently working at a company called Mojave Payments. I’m working as a software developer who primarily focuses on React, Larvel and PHP work. But without going into too much detail as I’m not supposed to disclose any information. I get placed into many projects that help me learn a lot and even new languages. I’m honestly really happy with my job. My coworkers are amazing and hilarious. Can’t wait to see whats next for me at my job. Oh did I mention it’s also REMOTE!? Well actually hybrid but still I can work at home!

-   Move into a new place
    -   In-unit washer/dryer
    -   Away from the South Bay Area

I did move out of my old place. While the job I got was remote, I still need to come in to the office every now and then so I had to move out and back to my parents place. Yup, good old Las Vegas. BUT get this, after a few months I’ve moved out of my parents place and moved into an apartment with my girlfriend.

-   Focus on more posts for my personal website
    -   At least 25 coding posts by the end of the year.

Yup, that didn’t happen. lol

-   Get a vacation in and visit a different state.

Went to Maui last month does that count? lol I ask only because it wasn’t a new state, I used to live there.

-   Land a photography gig.

Nope, didn’t happen. Still don’t know if I want this.

-   Start coding on stream.
    -   Start streaming on YouTube
    -   Gain at least 5 subscribers/followers.

I did start streaming on Twitch again. I even started out on Kick but damn I’m glad I’m away from that. I don’t actually stream often but I want to make it consistent like once a week then move it to more per week but I literlly have no day in the weekday to do so. With work and have to do other things for the next 3/4 hrs before bed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

-   Learn more coding technologies
    -   NextJS 13
    -   Graphical Databases - Neo4JS
    -   GraphQL
    -   Prisma
    -   PostgreSQL
    -   Supabase
    -   Framer Motion
    -   Vue
    -   Astro
    -   LaravelMix
    -   OpenAI
    -   Three.JS
    -   Svelte

Honestly, my job has me learning a lot things and these are not what I want to learn anymore. I’m still in React ecosystem but damn does this list make me sound like a newbie dev. Like, Graphical databases? Nope, Supabase? Nope, OpenAI? Nope. More JS frameworks?? Nope, I’ll dabble to know more but I will not be an expert in them. Scroll down for a new list of technologies that I’m working on learning.

-   Learn More/Replacement Headless CMS
    -   Contentful
    -   Netlify CMS
    -   Or Look into MDX [(source)](

What is this? lol Nope. I’d be more interest making my own. Oh wait I am currently working on that. 😂

-   Start reading more documentation
    -   Start with NextJS 13

While I do think this is great, I’m not wasting my time reading NextJS docs nowadays. NextJS is going through some changes that I’m not too happy in.

-   Get better at documenting, learn documenting standards/syntax/shortcuts.

LOL. Still pretty bad at this. I want to work more on this.

-   Finish Zero to Mastery: UX/UI Course on Udemy.

Still not really touched it, design has totally been removed from my priorities list as I’ve become more of a developer who cares more about the features than making it pop. I want to get to it but really it’s not a priority anymore.

-   Fitness and Health:
    -   Goal weight: 180lbs
    -   Bench: 185lbs
    -   Deadlift more

God, by health has been at an all time low. I’ve been at the gym more consistently but damn do I love to eat. LOL

-   Go to TwitchCon Las Vegas 2023

I did go to TwitchCon since it was where I lived. GUESS What?? I met these guys! Tech twitter guys prime adam and rox

-   Start going to coding meetups and conferences.

Something I’m still interested in but theres a lack of meetups in Las Vegas. However my job is making me go to conferences so I guess that counts. It was a Samsung Developer Conference. Amazing people, I wish to see them again. Samsung Business Summit 2023

-   Do my first Raspberry Pi Project

I own 2 and haven’t done jack… I’m a fraud. I really want to do that Alexa Mirror but damn am I lazy

-   Rebuild some old projects:
    -   TPG
    -   MaxReps

I still want to do them but I’m just swamped, I did work on MaxReps at some point but then I got hired at Mojave Payments. I want to get back to it.

-   Redesign company websites using technologies I know:
    -   SBMC
    -   LauraAdventures
    -   BridgeGlobal

LMAO why the fuck would I redesign my previous employers websites when they let me go… Fuck them and Fuck ICP DAS USA.

2024 Goals

It’s near the end of 2024 and I need to be realistic with these goals. So with that in mind, I will be listing goals that I want to accomplish by end of the year.

  • Create 2 more post by the end of the year for my personal website
  • Get a vacation out of state
  • Learn new technologies
    • Go
    • HTMX
    • Flutter
    • .NET Desktop application development
    • React Native
    • Unity Development
  • Personal Projects
    • MaxReps
    • ConjureCMS (Laravel/NextJS CMS project)
  • Stream more consistently
  • Get rank: 1500
  • Be more mindful of my health
    • Bench goal: 185lbs
    • Deadlift : 315lbs
    • Squat: 205lbs
    • Weight Goal by EOY: 215 lbs

I’m more in a state of mind where I want to focus on more complex problems and apply them with new knowledge that I’ve gained since 2023.

Reflecting on Lifetime Goals

My Lifetime Goals

-   Start an eSports Organization
-   Open a Tea/Coffee Shop
-   Teach Coding
-   Own a Tesla Model X
-   Buy/build a home in California
-   Build my dream kitchen
-   Go back to school and study Cyber Security

These are crazy lol, for the most part some of these goals are the same. I still want to start an eSports Organization. I also want a Tea shop/Coffee show. Teaching is still something I want to do. I still want a Tesla. Buying/Building a home is also still on the list however, I’m not sure if I want to do it in California anymore. I still want to build my dream kitchen. The only thing I’m not really wanting to do anymore is go back to school. I’m not sure if I want to study Cyber Security anymore. I’m more interested in learning more about game development but probably won’t go to school for it.

Lifetime Goals

  • Start an eSports Organization
  • Open a Tea/Coffee Shop
  • Teach Coding
  • Own a Tesla Model X
  • Buy/build a home and build my dream kitchen

In conclusion, I’m pretty happy where I am at the moment and will be working on small projects here and there while learning new technologies. I also want to pursue my fitness goals as its been years since I’ve put effort into my fitness goals and want to start my journey for a healthier life for my family. I’m excited for what the future holds for me and I can’t wait to see where I end up.